Important Announcements
Catholic Social Services (AoP), along with several key Human Services organizations, has published an informational packet to help with questions regarding ICE and the recent changes to Immigration Policy. Please read.
For legal help with immigration, you may also contact the Catholic Social Services website:
ATTENTION STUDENTS: Please note the following: ESL classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays begin at 7:00pm. The children of St. Patrick’s Parish have CCD classes from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. ESL students are not permitted in the school until all CCD students are dismissed and out of the school. This is Church policy. Therefore, ESL students cannot enter the building before 6:45pm and until all CCD students are out of the school.
Winter Semester classes begin on January 7, 2025. Remember you paid for the entire school year from September 2024 to May 2025. The Winter Semester is included in your registration fee.
The 2025 Mass Intention book will open to our parishioners. Please pick up the form at the Parish Office on 703 Green Street OR complete the form for scheduled Masses found on the table in the gathering area of the church, and return it to the Parish Center Office.
Requests will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. The stipend for scheduled Masses is $10.00 (weekday and weekends).
There is a limit of SEVEN Masses per Parishioners (three on weekends and four on weekdays) . We Do Not accept any telephone requests!
Thank you.
Supporting our Parish and Church Preservation
We’re pleased to offer online giving for all Sunday and Special collections. Follow the link or use the QR Code.
Thanks again for your continued generosity!
Current Projects and Fundraisers:
Please visit this link for information on fundraising information, events and ways you can help.
Epiphany of our Lord – Three Kings Celebration
We encourage public safety by offering Daily and Sunday Masses via the internet. Live-streamed and recorded masses can be viewed via the links on this webpage or on our Facebook Page.
Sunday Mass
We are open with our regular Mass schedule for Saturday and Sunday–Saturday 4 pm English; 6 pm Spanish; Sunday 8 am Spanish; 10 am English; 12 pm Spanish.
Masks are optional. Please help to keep everyone safe and healthy by practicing good hygiene and staying home if sick.